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Low cost and simple way for digital communicating and EchoLink.
You can operate FT8, JT65, PSK31, RTTY, SSTV, EchoLink, APRS etc..
Rig cable is wired to meet your rig terminal as ordrer-made.
Therefore, no additonal cable is required.
If you take high-power in HF band, we recommend HAMSTIR DX.
This has an optical connection between rig and PC.
You can operate FT8, JT65, PSK31, RTTY, SSTV, EchoLink, APRS etc. in high output power.
HAMSTIR DX took full optical connection between PC and rig block.
A sound device and COM device are built-in.
Rig cable is wired to meet your rig terminal as ordrer-made.
No additonal cable is required.
PC controlled CW-Keiing is available.
Mutual linking is proceeded among WIRES-X, Echolink and transceiver(RF).
Also, Echolink smartphone user can talk with WIRES-X room menber.
WIRES-X should be analog mode.
If HRI-200 is replaced to some other VoIP interface, that's also possible.
Without any transceiver, WIRES-X or EchoLink can be operated.
However either HRI-200 for WIRES-X or DATA 6P interface for EchoLink is required.
Microphone and speaker are built-in.
And, compressor mic amplifier makes best modulation even in a loud or small voice.
Some stations are using for mobile operating.
WIRES-X and WIRES-II is a trade mark of Yaesu Musen Co., Ltd.
EchoLink is a trade mark of Synergenics, LLC.
WSTJ-X is developed by the WSJT group (K1JT, Joe Taylor, K9AN, Steve Franke, and G4WJS, Bill Somerville)
JT65 is developed by K1JT, Joe Taylor (WSJT) and W6CQZ, Mr.J.C.Large (JT65-HF).
APRS is developed by WB4APR, Bob Bruninga.
AGWPE is developed by SV2AGW, George Rossopulos.
UI-View32 is developed by G4IDE, Roger Barker.
MMSSTV, MMVARI, MMTTY is developed by JE3HHT, Mr.Mori.
DSCW(Digital Sound CW) is developed by JA3CLM, Mr.Takagi.
CTESTWIN is developed by JI1AQY, Mr.Horiuchi